18 November – Byron Bay repeat

Beautiful day today here in Northern NSW. Today was our opportunity to walk out to the Eastern most point on the Australian mainland, Cape Byron. It’s a pretty easy walk from the campground, until you hit the stairs up to the top of the point some 76 metres above sea level.

The walking trail goes through Wategos Beach where the famous Rae’s is located along with The Pass Cafe. The wind was offshore at Wategos and there were plenty of surfers out taking advantage of the 200 metre righthanders on offer.

Wategos Beach with offshore winds and swell wrapping round the point

The walk takes you to the most Easterly point on the Australian mainland and of course there is a sign advising you that you are there.

Here I am at the most Easterly point on the mainland. Hawaii is the possible next stop and 25.5 million Aussies behind me as I look out to sea.

The Cape Byron Lighthouse was built in 1901 and is 23 metres tall with a Fresnel Lens putting out 2,200,000 candela (I think that’s bright) that reaches 50km offshore. I’m sure it’s a welcome sight for mariners going up or down the coast.

Caravan Park etiquette is an interesting thing that I had no idea about. The purists know that you don’t walk through the site of another camper, it’s just bad form. The uninformed just seem to walk wherever the heck they want, including right next to your motorhome. We are very fortunate to have a site that backs onto the cliff above Clarkes Beach. We have our own picnic table with fabulous views of the beach. It seems that many of the campground dwellers don’t care if they walk onto our site and sit on the table of have loud phone calls .

To counter this behaviour we’ve have parked the motorhome at a rather jaunty angle to partially cut off access to the table and cliff edge as you can see in the photo below.

Our attempt at psyching out the other campers

Interestingly the ploy worked and so far today, only one camper has blatantly walked across our campsite. Lesson learned.

We’ve had an amazing day with sunny skies, a nice swim and eventually a trip into the BB village for a couple of beers at the Beach Hotel.

A couple of brews with my best mate

Just to finish the night off we’ve had a nice sunset.