21 November – Heading for Port

We had a long transit ahead of us this morning so we packed up and were on the road by 8am. While I finished the tear down, Robin took off with a mission to get us a coffee for the road. Expecting her back when she’d indicated I turned the engine over and let it idle. The following WhatsApp message “Slow as f^&k here” was received so off went the engine.

That mishap behind us we headed out. After a brief stop for diesel we headed down the M1 towards Crescent Head. I followed what must be one of the world’s slowest drivers on the road into Crescent Head. 80kph in a 100kph zone, for 10km. This motorhome is not the fastest accelerating vehicle I’ve ever driven so no overtaking however it does hold its speed pretty well once there.

I’ve never been to Crescent Head before. It looks like a really great spot with. A long stretch of beach and Killick Creek behind it makes for a water(wo)man’s perfect location.

Barnetts Bakery on Main Street was a convenient place for a pie and pasty. Quickly refuelled sitting by the side of the golf course we headed up to the Crescent Head Lookout.

Looking back over Crescent Head caravan park and Killick Creek

Views to the South towards Port Macquarie.

South towards Port Macquarie

We made our way back the the M1 and skilfully avoided the world’s slowest driver this time. On our way North earlier, Robin had noticed signs to Ricardoes Tomatoes, an apparently famous or notorious providore. We turned off the M1 for a quick look and purchase of some jars of stuff (I can’t remember). Sadly we were an hour too early for their “world” famous scones.

The NRMA Breakwall Holiday Park is very well organised. We’ve been communicating by email and SMS and I was able to complete our COVID-19 declaration and complete all of the check-in formalities before arrival. I received an email with all my information, including the site map, site number and gate and ammenities codes. All seemingly automated and non-contact.

After setting up we headed for a swim. Town Beach is close by and for those not used to the heaving crowds on northern NSW beaches, had a few people on it as you can see in the distance Erin Gall. It is Saturday after all.

Town Beach, Port Macquarie.

One of the often overlooked aspects of motorhome life, at least in our family, is how the internal toilet gets emptied. For those in the know, laugh now, for the others, it requires that a cassette is removed from the cavity in the motorhome below the toilet. This cassette needs to be taken to an attractively named “dump point” and the contents disposed of. Not a very glamorous part of #vanlife but necessary from time to time. Robin thought it might be hilarious to capture this for you.

The cassette looks alarmingly like an airline carry-on case. You would definitely not want to make that mistake.

We had a revisit to The Stunned Mullet tonight. So far, by far, the best food we’ve had while away (in fairness we had not had that many meals out) and in fact, one of the best meals we’ve had anywhere in a while. More to come on this topic.

Some of the plates;

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