19 November – A swim, The Farm and a drive

More beautiful weather today. It’s always nice to get in a swim before we pack up and hit the road. The wind has disappeared and the ocean was like a lake.

The lovely Robin heading for a swim

Parking around Byron is at something of a premium. Apart from almost every space being metered, there are not that many of them. We stumbled across a rather tight spot on our way to the beach, only to see this when we returned. Somebody was keen.

I don’t know how they got out other than via the hatch.

Robin managed to snag a reservation at The Farm for lunch on our final day in Byron Bay. It’s only 15 minutes from the campground so quite close. There were some roadworks being undertaken in Byron that caused a 2.5km tailback coming onto town. I’m glad we were heading the other way.

The Farm is an interesting enterprise. It’s a collection of micro business that all share a common goal and that is to support the environment and contribute to healthier lifestyles. Their motto is Grow, Feed , Educate. It’s an 80 acre working farm that grows a diverse range of produce. They grow Macadamias, Pecan, micro-greens. We also saw pigs and chickens.

It’s obviously hard work keeping birds away and a couple of scarecrow are employed. There is a range of competency on display as these snaps show;

Hardworking competent scarecrow
Screw it, I’ve had enough Scarecrow.

We went to The Farm specifically to sample the fare of Three Blue Ducks where Andy Allen of Australian MasterChef fame is the Executive Chef. We enjoyed the fare and I’d recommend a visit if in the area.

Kingfish Head. Yum
More prawns
Local greens with a Szechuan pepper and peanut side

From here we headed for Lennox Head. I’ve never been there before and it looks like a great place for a longer visit.

Finally, into Yamba and the Calypso Caravan Park where we had to wait 30 minutes for the previous inhabitants of our site to vacate. This was a bit rude as we arrived at about 4pm and checkout at all the grounds in NSW is 10am. I’m not sure exactly what was going on but was told that they had car trouble. We eventually had access to the site and quickly struck camp. A walk to orient ourselves was in order.

A few shop visits and then we headed for the Pacific Hotel for a beer. Set on the headland overlooking Yamba Beach, this is an fantastic venue. I remember staying here in the 60’s with my parents and it seemed quite grand then.

The view of Yamba Beach from the Pacific Hotel. Well worth a visit.

As you may have noticed we seem to be doing a tour of every lighthouse on the NSW coast between Sydney and Byron Bay (well not quite). Yamba has its own light house and although not as spectacular as some we visited, it’s impressive nonetheless.

Yamba Lighthouse

More exploring of Yamba tomorrow.

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